Massage is something that all of us can certainly enjoy, but many of us may not really consider the therapeutic benefits of massage beyond the general feeling of well-being that it gives to us. You might be surprised to learn, massage can also be very therapeutic in a number of specific areas, one of which is weight control.
The benefits of massage for weight loss are often misunderstood, but it is one of the prime benefits that can be received whenever it is administered in the proper way. Here is a little bit about how massage may help you to achieve the weight loss goals that you have been desiring.
One of the first things that you need to understand is the connection between the various parts of the body and how well they function whenever they are working together properly. It is not one specific area that is generally responsible for your problems with weight gain and it may in fact simply be an imbalance that is present within the body. That is one of the things that massage is able to bring to you, a connection between various parts of your body and the ability for it to function as a unified whole. It does this in a variety of different ways.
First of all, massage is an excellent choice for improving the circulation. If your circulation is not functioning properly, you are not going to be able to take vital nutrients and oxygen to the extremities of your body. This is often why you may experience a tingling in your hands and your feet, but it actually goes much deeper than that. Keeping in mind that our breath is our life, it is necessary for us to take this life in the form of oxygen to all areas of the body so that they are able to work for us. Through massage, we are able to accomplish this and our body is stronger as a result.
Along with aiding us in circulation, massage can also have the effect of boosting our metabolism in a number of different ways. Muscle tone has a lot to do with how effective our metabolism is going to be running, and there is nothing quite like a good massage to increase the blood flow to the muscles and allow them to function better. If you spend a lot of time in the gym, a good massage can not only help you to achieve your muscle goal, it can help to boost your metabolism and assist you in losing additional weight.
Aside from all of these secondary benefits that massage can bring to you for weight loss, it may also have some direct benefits as well. There is some thought that massage can help to burst the fat cells that are present within the body, allowing them to be absorbed and expelled. Working along with our metabolism, this can really help you to boost your weight-loss efforts. Regardless of whether you're able to get this effect or not, the therapeutic benefits of massage can not only make you feel great, it may also help you to look great as well.
Stacy Madonna Gibson, LMT
Kennett Square Massage, Kennett Square PA